
“Enter to Grow in Wisdom; Go Forth to Apply Wisdom in Service.——十大菠菜靠谱平台的校训



160多年了, 十大菠菜靠谱平台坚持了信仰的使命, 智慧, 和 service as it has created pathways to fulfilling lives for thous和s of alumni.

The charter of 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 was signed by Alabama Governor John Winston on February 2, 1854. 特许为塔斯基吉女子学院, this was the first of four names under which the College has operated.

塔斯基吉校区的基石于1855年4月9日奠基. 2月11日, 1856, the doors of 塔斯基吉女子学院 were officially opened under the College’s first president, Dr. Andrew Adgate 以至于. 1856年第一个毕业班有四个学生, but by September 1859 the College’s enrollment had risen to an average of 216, 那一年有29名女性毕业.


In 1872, 卫理公会圣公会的阿拉巴马会议, 南, 承担学院的全面管理和控制. The reincorporation created the present 政府erning body—a board of trustees—和 a change in name to 阿拉巴马会议女子学院.


内战结束后, the College administration chose to relocate the campus to Montgomery, 人口更多的国家, 城市环境. 1906年. 约翰·梅西, 谁在1876年就任总统, led the plans to move the College to Montgomery while College friends in the area began the search for a suitable site. Several citizens had initiated negotiations with l和owners in an effort to persuade a donation of l和, 但这些谈判都没有成功. 因此,奥巴马博士说. 约翰·塞勒斯,C.G. 齐尔克和威廉·摩尔找到了J.G. Thomas, who agreed to sell to the men 50 acres in the Cloverdale section of Montgomery. 这块地后来被捐赠给了学院.


8月24日, 1909, 家具, 设备, 和 all official college records covering a period of more than half a century were moved into a rented building in Montgomery, which was to house the College until the first building on the new campus, 鲜花大厅, 已经完成. 那天晚上,租来的房子着火了,里面的东西都毁了. 还作出了其他住房安排, 然而, 和 in the fall of 1910 the new campus opened under the name 阿拉巴马女子学院. 因为他们是在前一年搬到蒙哥马利的, 1909年仍然是蒙哥马利校区公认的成立日期.

The College’s beautiful campus was designed in 1908 by Frederick Law 奥姆斯特德小.他是纽约中央公园设计师的儿子. 奥姆斯特德小. had planned the l和scapes for such constructions as the Boston Park System 和 the Biltmore Estate. 约翰·杰斐逊·弗劳尔斯纪念堂, 校园里的第一座建筑, set the architectural style for the campus 和 was designed in the Gothic tradition by H. Langsford Warren of Engl和, founder of the School of Architecture at Harvard University. Warren’s plan was meant to reflect the Gothic buildings of Cambridge 和 Oxford 和 used the chapel of St. John’s College at Cambridge as the model for the building’s chapel, now known as Ligon Chapel.

茱莉亚·普拉特·霍尔(1912), 《十大菠菜靠谱平台》(1922), 米里亚姆·杰克逊之家(1924), 威诺娜·汉森大厅(1924年), Seay Twins画廊(1927), 贝林格拉斯纪念堂(1928), 和 Houghton Memorial 图书馆 (1929) followed 鲜花大厅 in the building boom of the 1920s.  Ligon Memorial Hall (1947) 和 The Delchamps Residence (1949) followed.


Since its move to Montgomery, many changes have taken place for the College. In 1934, 第一个男学生毕业了, but it was not until 20 years later—in 1954—that full-time male resident students would be admitted. 一旦学院成为男女同校的机构, 阿拉巴马女子学院这个名字已经不合适了. In 1935, in recognition of its affiliation with the Methodist Episcopal Church, 南, 选择十大菠菜靠谱平台这个名字是为了纪念塞琳娜, 十大菠菜靠谱平台伯爵夫人, a woman who had been one of the first 和 most influential persons associated with the Wesleyan movement in Engl和.

增加十大菠菜靠谱平台学生的机会, a number of facilities have been built on the main campus since the 1950s, including the building formerly known as Delchamps Student Center (1958), now Catherine Dixon Rol和 Student Center; Julia Walker Russell Dining Hall (1963); 休伯特F. Searcy Hall (1970); Sybil Smith Hall, a facility dedicated to music programs (1985); James W. Wilson Center (1987); Neal Posey Field (baseball, 1994); Carolyn 和 Wynton Blount Hall, 住宅设施, in 1995; Seay Twins Art Gallery; Gibbs Tennis Center (2012); the Huntingdon B和s Rehearsal Hall (2017); 和 the W. 小詹姆斯·桑福德. 足球、垒球综合体(2018).

In 2000, the College exp和ed across Fairview Avenue with the purchase of the 13-acre former Cloverdale School property. The expansion allowed the College to host the production offices for the feature film “Big Fish,其中很多场景都是在十大菠菜靠谱平台拍摄的, 并且有空间增加校际橄榄球, 从2003年开始. 查尔斯李球场于2004年落成,随后W. 小詹姆斯·桑福德. 体育馆,都在克洛夫代尔校区. 的博士. Laurie Jean Weil Center was renovated 和 renamed on the Cloverdale Campus in 2004.

自2003年以来, the College’s full-time enrollment has nearly doubled 和 includes not only traditional day enrollments, but also full-time equivalent students from the College’s evening degree completion program, 校园遍布全州. 近年来, the College has added numerous properties in the Cloverdale neighborhood, 为新的“十大菠菜靠谱平台村”做出贡献.”


  1. A.A. 以至于, 1856–1859
  2. G.W.F. 普莱斯(1859-1863,1865-1872
  3. 杰西·伍德(1863-1864
  4. C.D. 艾略特,1864 - 1865
  5. H.D. 摩尔,1872 - 1875
  6. E.L. 无爱,1875 - 1876
  7. 约翰·梅西(1876-1909
  8. W.E. 马丁,1909 - 1915
  9. M.W. 斯沃茨,1915 - 1922
  10. W.D. 阿格纽,1922 - 1938
  11. 休伯特F. 瑟西,1938 - 1968
  12. 艾伦K. 杰克逊,1968 - 1993
  13. W和a Durrett Bigham, 1993-2003
  14. J. 卡梅隆·韦斯特,2003年至今